Darren Lyons (Author):  Marketing Strategy

Britt Wright was recommended to me by a colleague as he was familiar with Britt’s expertise in using social media to drive marketing efforts. As a result of this I solicited Britt to consult in creating a social media marketing strategy to support the release of my memoire, “With Worn Out Tools: Navigating the Rituals of Mid Life”. Boy, was my colleague right as Britt did not disappoint!

After hearing my concerns, Britt suggested a plan of action where he would assess my current online presence and suggest changes that should be made and give me options for going forward. We agreed to meet in 30 days where Britt committed to walk me through a power point with the information requested. True to form, Britt presented a clear, concise and professional deck to my team. In this deck he gave us an honest assessment of our Facebook presence as well as made relevant suggestions to move forward such as add Instagram and LinkedIn to our tool belt, to use the same moniker for all our social media accounts and improve the level of our media/ pictures when posting. Britt made several other suggestions that we will role into our marketing strategy for our e-book to be released this fall.

Britt possesses the skill to give professional, yet candid feedback of your current state and he makes relevant recommendations for your go forward strategy. Britt is also charming and professional and would make a welcomed addition to any organization. Talent like Britt is hard to come by and great organizations and well-run projects need human capital to be completed successfully and on budget, Britt is that kind of talent and he can be the difference between excellence and mediocrity


Jerusalem Baptist Church: Digital Optimization